Rehearsals start tomorrow for EAT THE DEVIL, a brand-new play from Nadja Leonhard-Hooper and Dan Nuxoll, directed by Nick Flint and produced by One Year Lease Theater Company.
I'll be playing three roles: Matt, the CEO of a progressive tech company about to release an AI Sex Doll named MIA; Goatse, an internet celebrity and recently-out Furry; and Alex Jones... yeah, that Alex Jones...
Very exited to jump into this wild play with such a great team! We'll be playing at The Tank, Feb. 21-March 9, 2019. Check out the site for more info and tickets!
"A terrifying virus is infecting post-fact America. As vicious media pundits battle to control the narrative, an artificially intelligent sex doll named Mia has a breakthrough…But will she be our Savior, or is she the Angel of Death? EAT THE DEVIL is a wildly hilarious flight through an internet-driven Apocalypse that will leave you wondering if you have enough freeze-dried queso to survive…"